Monroe Seventh-day Adventist Church

Revealing God's Character Through a Growing Relationship with Jesus

Note From the Pastor (Dec 27)

I hope each of you had a wonderful Christmas filled with love, joy, and the blessings of family. As we step into the New Year, I am reminded of the urgency of our calling: Jesus is coming soon! Now, more than ever, we are called to be a church that is fully engaged in His business and His mission.

This raises some important questions for us to prayerfully consider: What does it truly look like to be about His business? What steps must we take to prepare our families and ourselves for the work God has called us to do? Are we actively preparing to be disciple-makers for His kingdom? Are we prioritizing prayer and seeking unity as a church family so we can be fully aligned with the mission He is calling us to fulfill?

The task before us is great, but it is not complicated. As Jesus said, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few." (Matthew 9:37) It will take all of us working together as one family, united in purpose and guided by the Holy Spirit. This work requires our collective effort, and each of us has a role to play. Let us encourage one another to embrace this calling with faith and determination.

As we begin this New Year, let us ask ourselves: What are we willing to set aside to create more space for God to move in our lives and through our church? Are we ready to explore, pray, and implement the plans the Spirit reveals to us? Together, we will seek His guidance, trusting that He will equip us for every good work He has prepared for us to do.

God is on the move, and I am excited to move forward with each of you. Let us commit to making prayer a priority, to seeking His will above all else, and to stepping into the mission with boldness and unity. The journey ahead is full of promise, and I look forward to witnessing how God will work through us to build His kingdom.

With love and anticipation, Pastor Jen

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