Monroe Seventh-day Adventist Church

Revealing God's Character Through a Growing Relationship with Jesus

Adult Bible Study Groups

In the Bible, it is very clear that Jesus wants to help us in all areas of life (mental, physical, spiritual, social & emotional).  He invites us… “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” (Mt 11:28)  Therefore, the Monroe Seventh-day Adventist Church offers Bible studies multiple days of the week.  These groups are intended to make it as convenient as possible for people to receive His intended benefits.




Hour of power

When: Wednesdays, 6:30 - 7:30 PM

Where: Seventh-day Adventist Church

Led by: Pastor Jen & Prayer Ministry Team







Adult Bible study Guide

Review of the Seventh-day Adventist adult quarterly Bible study guide.

Led by: Joe Robinson, Ramona Blackburn, Jim Mellon, Dan Neuharth & Claudia Bahnmiller

Topic: God's Love and Justice

When: Saturdays, 10 AM

Where: Seventh-day Adventist Church, Library.

To access remotely via zoom, join here. Meeting ID: 949 4830 8518; passcode: quarterly









Study God's Word. Discover His Truths. Grow in Relationship. Serve in Obedience. Walk in Love.

Led by: Carmen Prada, Tracey Gaver, Jens Pfeiffer

Topic of Study:  Gospel Truths: How to Study the Bible

When: Saturdays, 10 AM

Where: Seventh-day Adventist Church, Fireside Room


Righteousness by Faith FAQ

Righteousness by Faith is a big topic…even believers have a hard time wrapping their hearts and minds around it. How does Righteousness by Faith relate to the Gospel? What does it look like when we embrace and live out Righteousness by Faith in our All-Sufficient Savior, Jesus Christ? And what is more, how do we communicate this heady theology in terms that are accessible to unbelievers?

Join the FAQ Bible Study as we explore the topic of Righteousness by Faith, getting into God’s Word for ourselves and letting the text (and the Holy Spirit) guide our understanding. Join us in our learning and leaning on the Lord for understanding of this important topic!

Led by: Jodi Pfieffer, Peter Pohli & Michael Norton

Current Topic of Study: Acts of the Apostles

When: Saturdays, 10 AM

Where: Seventh-day Adventist Church, Choir Room

Related Information

Ministries Adventist Education Children's Ministries God's Closet Prayer Ministries Youth Ministry